Once you are using a credit card transaction gateway, you need to do the following procedures in order to make a booking “Active” or confirmed.
Here is what happens with a booking when a Credit Card Gateway is activated.
Once your customer is booking an appointment or event, the booking gets taken off the inventory and is a unconfirmed or pending booking. By default it will stay as a unconfirmed or pending booking for 1 day.
If no payment confirmation is received the booking will be cancelled.
If “Vendor” or the credit card gateway confirms payment, this unconfirmed or pending booking will turn into a active booking.
This is why you need to enter some information about Appointment.com into your gateway software.
1. Pay Pal Activation
2. Appointment.com Activation
Click "Update" on the bottom of page.
NOTE: If you have any pre-existing schedule (s) it is not needed to change the payment status in Vendor Admin. You need to change it in the already set up "Schedule (s)".