Get this Widget

Widget Integration with your Business Site

Try your Widget Here

Step 1)
Adding following Code in the HEAD section of your page (wherever you want to add BookAppointment button)

Step 2)
Then Add the BookNow Button in BODY section of your page

Step 3)
Open the Page in Browser, When you click on Above Button, you will see Widget for your Calendar.


Wordpress plugin for Appointment Widget

Installing the Widget: To display the widget, you should:
  1. Download the plugin code Click here .
  2. Install the plugin code in /wp-content/plugins
  3. Active the plugin from Wordpress admin
  4. Once the widget is installed, you can call the widget button with the short-code: [appt_book_button calname="calendarname"]


Default Location/Department BookNow
Sidney, BC BookNow


Default Service Group
Massage Therapy
Registered Acupuncture
Registered Physiotherapy
Initial RMT appointment
RMT massage with Hot Stones
massage therapy (Covid)


45 minute
1 hour initial appointment
60 minute
75 minute
90 minute
120 minutes
Initial Consultation & Acupuncture - 90 minute
Follow Up Acupuncture - 60 minute
4 Session Acupuncture Package
8 Session Acupuncture Package
Balancing Stress Reduction Treatment
Acupuncture Stress Treatment
Acupuncture Information session
90 minute Hot Stone Massage
60 minutes (no GST)
45 minute (no GST)
75 minute (no GST)
120 minutes (no GST)
45 minute hot stone
60 minutes hot stone
75 minute hot stone
90 minutes hot stone
90 minute (non-RMT)
120 minutes hot stone
45 minute
60 minute
75 minute
90 minute
45 minutes -no extra break
60 minute -no extra break
75 minute -no extra break
90 minutes no extra break
45 minute (non-RMT)
60 minute (non-RMT)
75 minute (non-RMT)
90 minute (no GST)
120 minutes (non-RMT)


Dr. Scott Simpson, Physio BookNow
Jon Dawson, RMT 2022 BookNow
Jon Dawson, RMT BookNow
Emma Gannon, RMT BookNow
Kim Fairall, RMT BookNow
Emma Gannon, RMT 20/21 BookNow
Emily Chernoff, RMT BookNow
Carlin Eppele, RMT BookNow
Allison Maeers, RMT BookNow
Shannon Dobell-Walker, RMT BookNow
Sheryl Bifolchi, RMT BookNow
Kristi Millner, RMT BookNow
Sharon Martin, RMT BookNow
Neufeld, Doris RMT BookNow
Mancell, Kate RMT BookNow
Lorna Nicolson, RMT BookNow
Wendy Courtemanche, R.Ac. BookNow


HT - Hawaiian Time
Pacific Standard Time
MT - Mountain Time
MT - Mountain Time
CT - Central Time
ET - Eastern Time
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
CET - Central European Time
AWT - Australian Western Time
WCT - Western Central Time (Australia)
ACT - Australian Central Time
AET - Australian Eastern Time
NZT - New Zealand Time