Many people don’t think about eating or hydrating before their appointments. Sitting in the waiting room on an empty stomach can quickly put visitors in a bad mood. One of the ways you can ensure your customers are happy and taken care of is by offering free refreshments.
While it’s not your responsibility what others put into their bodies, consider offering some healthy alternatives to the typical refreshments. Healthy eating can lead to a boost in mood and energy. Visitors will enter and leave their appointments feeling so much better thanks to a combination of good service and quality refreshments.
This list contains five power foods that your business can consider offering to your customers:
1. Trail Mix
Trail mix is a prepackaged snack that frequently gets overlooked in favor of more sugary treats. The typical pouch of trail mix is full of protein and fiber. This is thanks to the nuts and seeds that are staples for the recipe.
Another great aspect of trail mix is that it comes in so many varieties. You can get bags that contain M&M’s, yogurt bites, or dried fruits. These add-ins don’t compromise the healthiness of the snack. Rather, they add a little bit of extra flavor and excitement to every package. Different flavors will also appeal to the variety of customers who visit.
2. Granola
Another great snack food is granola. This treat consists of rolled oats, often with nuts and honey. A good batch of granola is packed with protein and vitamins, such as iron and zinc. Just be sure not to purchase a variety that contains a bunch of added sugars. While this might be more flavorful, it changes it from a power food to a sweet treat.
A more common snack is the granola bar. The concept is similar, but the granola is packed tightly into a travel sized snack. These bars often have chocolate chips, peanut butter, or even marshmallows added in. While not as nutritious and power boosting as old-fashioned granola, this is still a solid choice. It sure beats a bowl of candy sitting on your front desk.
3. Yogurt
Yogurt isn’t typically top-of-mind when it comes to snacks, but think about the portable options at a hotel breakfast bar. It is quick, easy, and prepackaged. With the variety of flavors, it’s also often a kid-friendly option. Parents waiting with their kids at an appointment can appreciate this choice.
Yogurt is a great source of calcium, which is important for teeth and bone health. It’s also delicious and easy to eat, which is perfect for kids! Parents can ensure that messes aren’t made, and you’ll have some happy families entering and leaving your establishment. If you choose this choice, make sure to also have spoons available.
4. Fresh Fruit
Few snacks rival the power of fresh fruit. Fruit is part of a balanced diet, yet many Americans are failing to include it in their meals. Providing fresh fruit for your customers can help patch those holes in their food pyramid.
Fruits, unlike many snacks, are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. More importantly, they lack a lot of the additives found in packaged foods, such as artificial coloring and added sugars. Fruit isn’t lacking in taste either. Bananas, apples, and oranges are full of unique flavors and can be eaten at any age without utensils.
The only thing you need to worry about with fruit is ensuring its quality. Fruit needs to be monitored much more frequently than other foods. They expire much more quickly and may need to be washed before consumption. You should make sure any fruit that has gone bad is disposed of quickly to avoid gnats or fruit flies.
5. Juice
When it comes to beverages, water is the easiest and most preferred option. Most people just don’t stay as hydrated as they should. After that, coffee and soda are often the most common drinks available in a waiting room. While these are popular beverages, there are some better options to consider.
Just like fresh fruit is more optimal than sugary snacks, fruit juice can be more rejuvenating than even a cup of coffee. While customers can get a quick surge of energy from coffee, their energy can take a sharp dive after the caffeine wears off.
Juice can provide all the energy needed for a busy day without the threat of a crash later on. Not only that, but the nutritional value is far superior to that of a can of soda. Any sugar found in natural juice is just that — natural.
A good snack can really make a difference in the days of your customers. Supplying your body with better nutrients from the snacks you consume, has mood-boosting power. If you provide the same healthy foods to your work team, you can witness a change in their attitude as well. Healthy eating should never be underestimated.
Image Credit: Helena Lopes; Pexels; Thanks!